Monday, April 27, 2015

BiFrost Homebrew: Modern Backgrounds Pt. 5

Ordained clergy of all persuasions, as well as theological scholars, are all in the religious occupation. You are a leader of your faith or at least well respected and are recognized by those who share your faith. How did you get called to this profession, was it fate or were you trained for it? Did you attend seminary? Are your views controversial or are you conservative? Is the faith you follow the majority where you are or are you in danger if you get too loud?
Skill Proficiencies: Humanities and Insight
Languages: Two languages of your choice
Equipment: A holy symbol, a set of professional clothes, a holy book, and $500.
Feature: Faithful Flock
You are well respected in the community of your chosen faith. Others will recognize you as a leader or scholar and offer you short term aid if you require it.

Farm workers, hunters, ranchers, and others who make a living in rural communities fall under this occupation. You work close to the earth and practice one of the oldest and most important professions. Are you the stereotypical simple farmer, or are you cultured, but enjoy working the land? What do you grow or raise? Do you do well, or are you struggling?
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument and Vehicles (Land)
Equipment: A small knife, a musical instrument, a set of comfortable clothes, and $500.
Feature: Hospitality
You are easily identified as country folk and others of that ilk will take a liking to you and help you when you are in need as long as it doesn’t affect them too much.

A high school, college, or graduate student. Your main activity is learning. This might be in preparation for your future career, or it might be for the love of knowledge. What are studying? Why are you studying it? Are you on scholarship, are you taking out loans, or are you working as well? Do you socialize with other students or stay focused on your studies?
Skill Proficiencies: Current Events and one of either Humanities or Science.
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan’s tools, musical instrument, or gaming set
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of comfortable clothes, a book, a pen and pad, $250.
Feature: Find your Tribe
You’ve got some larger group - a sorority, professional society, anime club - that will help you in times of need and give you what information they can.

Scientists and engineers of all types are technicians. A technician focuses on the application of science to invent, study, experiment, and create useful tools. They are focused on technology either through hardware or software. You have immense technical skills, more than just how to fix, but also how to create. What kind of technician are you; do you work with robotics, on bridges, or with some form of a telescope? Do you enjoy your work? Are you at the forefront of your research or do you work below someone else who receives the glory? What are you hoping to create?
Skill Proficiencies: Science and Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Chemist’s Tools and Computing Kit
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, pen and pad, and $750.
Feature: Mechanical Acumen
You can attempt to fix and create small devices with the materials you have. The DM is ultimate decider of what you can create or fix quickly and the difficulty of doing so, but where others would need hours, you need minutes to jury rig something mechanical.

White Collar
Desk jockeys, lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, bank personnel, financial advisors, tax preparers, clerks, sales personnel, real estate agents, and a variety of mid-level managers fall within this occupation. A white collar worker is usually considered average, but some have loftier jobs like CEO or Partner at a law firm. They are usually good with business in some respect. What kind of job do you have; are you a clerk or a manager? Do you enjoy your job, or is it a means to an end? Do you like your coworkers, or are they the bane of your existence?
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Insight
Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, business cards, a pen, and $750.
Feature: Networking
You have skill using your contacts and affiliations to move forward in the world. After spending some time in a location, you can use professional contacts to get certain favors such as finding a new job, clients, or even discounts. If you have notice you can arrange for favors in other cities as well through your contacts.

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