Sunday, April 26, 2015

BiFrost: The Daredevil Effect & The Tailor

1) Sorry this is late

2) Like most people with Netflix, I have just finished watching Daredevil. I love it. I really enjoyed the gritty feeling, and the various skills everyone brought to the team. I actually liked that the plot of the "mundanes" and that of Daredevil ran side-by-side, especially getting to see all the villain stuff as well. Kingpin was a bit of a wildcard, but it was all very solid.

Something that the show did well is making the inclusion of the ninja's, the "fire-vision," the Stick, and the mystical Madam Gao, feel seamless. Even their offhand mentions of the events of the Avengers film fit in really well. Overall I think it was a good show, go watch it.

My real point is that it got me thinking about how surely some of the delvers in this setting would try to be vigilantes. I'm going to guess, to little success if they try and go the superman route of being out and proud.A good chunk of the police and villains can and likely will be delvers as well, so their acceptance of those outside the law will likely be little. However, it's nice to imagine a few vigilantes who are able to either successfully work from the shadows or are a dirty little secret of the local police.

So the real point of this post is to be a post-it note. There will be delvers who try to better the world from behind the scenes, and would likely take up superheroesque personalities. The Black Witch of San Diego, the St. Louis Hero, the Badger of Ann Arbor, etc.

3) I've been thinking and rethinking how characters will choose a class. And I keep thinking back to something like the Sorting Hat, but I want there to be a little more choice. I kept trying to do something where the characters choose from symbolic locations and items. However, everyone interprets things very different ways, and I hate the idea that someone would get the wrong thing just because they think differently from me.

My solution is an entity, similar to the sorting hat, who I'm calling the Tailor. He helps people find a set of powers that fits them best, he looks at their natural talent (ability scores) and makes suggestions and explains what's going on. He'll likely offer them symbolic items and energies and do a little explaining, but he'll still be enigmatic and mysterious.

The more I talk about this idea, the better I like it.

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