Monday, April 13, 2015

BiFrost Homebrew: Modern Backgrounds Pt. 3

Some more modern backgrounds; I really like the idea of an emergency services character like a firefighter who uses their skills to earn some money on the side as a delver. Entreprenuer also makes a good lick of sense in BiFrost where there is a lot of money to be made exploitng the bifrosts and delvers. 

Emergency Services
Rescue workers, firefighters, paramedics, hazardous material handlers, and emergency medical technicians are all considered emergency services. Emergency service workers often enjoy the thrill of the risk and the joy of helping people. What field do you work in? Are you volunteer or career? Are you close to those you work with? Have you been in danger before while in these hazardous areas?
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Medicine
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land) and one gaming set
Equipment: A set of comfortable clothes, a uniform, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and $500.
Feature: Quick Assessment
You can quickly assess a dangerous situation or injury to figure out the difficulty of solving the issue. For example, you can see the Wisdom (Medicine) difficulty to set a broken bone, or the Strength (Athletics) difficulty to jump across burning debris.

Actors, newscasters, radio and television personalities, and musicians and anyone who earns their living performing are entertainers. Entertainers usually enjoy being in front of crowds and voicing their opinions or getting others to laugh. Are you extroverted, or is what's on a camera just a persona? Are you famous locally, nationally, or not at-all, doing only small-time jobs?
Skill Proficiencies: Performance and either Acrobatics or Humanities
Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument and either a disguise kit or another instrument
Equipment: A musical instrument, a set of comfortable clothes, a pencil and pad of paper, $500.
Feature: Book a Gig
Wherever you find yourself you can find a place to perform that will provide at the very least room and board for as long as you perform and maintain good will in the town. The more famous you are the more help you can receive, but also the harder it is to unnoticed.

People who want to be their own boss; they believe in themselves, have an abundance of confidence, and the ability to acquire the funds necessary to bankroll their newest money-making venture. These small to large business owners have a knack for putting together business plans, gathering resources, and getting a new venture off the ground. Have you been successful as an entrepreneur? What kind of businesses or ideas do you work with: technology, media, household products, etc.? Have you ever lost big?
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Current Events
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan’s tools and one gaming set
Equipment: A set of professional clothes and $1000.
Feature: Spirited
You are filled to the brim with ideas and you like to share them with others for profit. Others can sense this in you and will grant you an audience when you come to them with a fresh business venture.

Investigative reporters, photojournalists, private investigators, police detectives, criminologists, criminal profilers, espionage agents, and others who use their skills to gather evidence and analyze clues are all in an investigative occupation. These workers rely on their perception and insight to notice clues, catch people in lies, and ferret out the truth. Do you investigate in the private or public sector? How high do you rank? Have you had to cover up the truth, and are you ashamed of it?
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Insight
Tool Proficiencies: One of either disguise kit, forgery kit, or computing kit.
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, a pen and pad, a digital camera, and $500.
Feature: Gather Information
After spending a few hours in a town, bar, or other social area you are able to figure out who the big players are, the feel of the town, and any other basic information without having to talk to anyone.

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