Wednesday, March 18, 2015

BiFrost: Not More Politics

I was supposed to talk about more political groups this week. But I can't. I can't keep looking at this from the top down until I start with the small lives.

Small Lives
I'm talking about a single mother who desperately enters a bifrost to a dangerous world int he hopes she'll come out with treasures to pay for the next few months when she loses her job. She is afraid for her life, for her kids, but she has to do something to get cash quick and this is less illegal than her other options. She makes it out alive, but not unscarred, and sells her treasure to a pawn shop making her thousands, but not as much as she would've hoped. Enough for a few weeks. In the meantime she has gained amazing powers: she is tougher than she remembers and can heal the wounded and conjure lightning. She has trouble finding a new job, but she knows of another bifrost across town, she knows that some adventurers meet at a local bar, and she knows she loved crushing those skulls.

I'm talking an old man, a veteran, who hated war. But when a bifrost shows up in his backyard, he is curious and he walks into it. He fights and tricks his way around a tribe of murderous orcs, killing their leader and finding himself back in his backyard wonders what he could do now. He feels more alive than he has in decades and the way he moves can take him far. The old man plays tricks on his neighbors and relatives, he steals a few candy bars, a few beers and waits for the day he might go looking for another portal, another dungeon, another adventure.

I am talking young kids, drunk kids, high kids, and their often high parents. Poor and dealing with life the way they know best, who hear about the portals or see the lights in the distance. They go in out of boredom and come out, covered in the blood of malicious fairies, and with spells and powers they have only seen in cartoons. One summons fire, one turns into animals, another smiting those who piss him off. Get out of their way when they walk down the street and fear them when you cross them. Who will wrangle their power? A gang a criminal organization some sort of youth outreach from adventurers guilds?

This is still messy. This is still a mess. But these are the kinds of stories I want to tell in this world.
And there will be bigger mysteries too, mysteries of power, of corruption, and of where these damn portals came from. But I want human experience first.

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