Thursday, March 5, 2015

BiFrost: Politics

I've got the rules down, and I've got my general theme of power: what will people do with it? Now I need to get some powerful structures into play.

I was thinking of several factions, basically, along with an evolution of the government to match. Now I'm probably super obviously focusing on the U.S. because Amerocentricism and I'm American and such, but I would think most governments would act similarly. Also, I don't feel knowledgeable about other countries to guess how they would react without just stereotyping. I would really like to use the major large cities in the world, (top 10 or so) just to give some non-western and white examples along with the usual fare (I'm looking at you Shadowrun filling the whole continent of Africa with ghouls...that was a weird choice). 

So factions, well last time I hit a few major types of organization that would be interested in either keeping or changing the status quo. Religious, political, social, and let's also add economic organizations that would be for and against using BiFrosts. If I just have a list of good guys and bad guys, that is shitty and useless, so each one will need some nuances to play with and against each other. I'm thinking something similar to Shadowrun's Megacorps faction, but nothing quite so Machiavellian. 

Let's get my stereotypes out of the way; most mainstream American religious folk (protestant and catholic) would be freaking scared of these things and see them as gateways to hell. And then when people come out of them with magical powers. The devil has taken them! Lets call them Templars for now. 
Of course for every reaction there is a reaction, so then a small contingent of religious folk see them as manifestations of divinity and god. They also likely see the powers you get out of it as tools to be used in the end times or for a spiritual war. I like this a lot. They likely want to guard the portals to make sure only the righteous and pure enter. Lets call them Thaumaturges for now. 

Going opposites, let's talk about science and the academic community. I would see them stressing caution, considering the dangers and unprecedented nature of the portals. They would likely want to study a lot -where they come from, where the powers come from, is this really magic? Bill Nye and Tyson would be out there trying to explain it while other researchers try to get funding from economic powerhouses to research this new stuff. This would be less of a new faction, more of an option for using existing universities, and maybe coming up with a new research institute or something. Lets call this the Institute for Dimensional Study, or the IDS. 

More next time! Economic powerhouses and political organizations!

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