Anyways, Falcon. He has wings, but he was a soldier, at least in the movies. However I know in the comic book he has a real cool buddy Redwing and can meld minds with birds. That is kind of awesome and so we're going to do it!
First, a magic item to make our hero a real flyer, but not insanely powerful.
Pack of Steel Wings
Wonderous item, uncommon
This backpack weighs about 10 pounds and conceals a pair of steel wings that come out of the sides when the command word is spoken. While the wings are extended, you may hover in the air and fly with a speed of 50 feet. The wings can lift up to 400 pounds, but its flying speed is 30 feet while carrying over 200 pounds. You cease to hover when you land.
While the wings are being used, you can use each wing as a short sword that deals slashing damage as melee weapon attacks. You cannot use the wings as weapons while holding an item or another weapon.
Boom! Problem solved.
Level 1 Variant Human Ranger
Background: Soldier
Str 14 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2)
Int 10 (+0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
HP 11, AC 16, HD 1d10
Saves: Str +4, Dex +4
Speed 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Elvish, Deep Speech
Skills: Acrobatics +4, Animal Handling +4, Athletics +4, Intimidation +2, Survival +4
Proficiencies: Playing Cards, Vehicles (Land)
x2 Shortsword +4, 1d6+2 slashing, finesse, light
Longbow +4, 1d8+2 piercing, 150/600 range, two-handed, heavy
Feat: Observant
Favored Enemy: Aberrations, Monstrosities
Natural Explorer: Forest
Gear: An insignia of rank, a momento of war, a deck of cards, a set of common clothes, scale mail, two daggers, an explorer's pack, a longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows, and a pack of steel wings.
Leveling Falcon: Alright, not so bad. His "spells" should focus on working with animals and any that could be explained as technology or hyperhuman senses. Up his physical ability scores and pick the Beast Master archetype and grab a falcon for your friend. This should get you a pretty badass ranger who can fly around with his falcon, slashing up buddies.