Monday, April 27, 2015

BiFrost Homebrew: Modern Backgrounds Pt. 5

Ordained clergy of all persuasions, as well as theological scholars, are all in the religious occupation. You are a leader of your faith or at least well respected and are recognized by those who share your faith. How did you get called to this profession, was it fate or were you trained for it? Did you attend seminary? Are your views controversial or are you conservative? Is the faith you follow the majority where you are or are you in danger if you get too loud?
Skill Proficiencies: Humanities and Insight
Languages: Two languages of your choice
Equipment: A holy symbol, a set of professional clothes, a holy book, and $500.
Feature: Faithful Flock
You are well respected in the community of your chosen faith. Others will recognize you as a leader or scholar and offer you short term aid if you require it.

Farm workers, hunters, ranchers, and others who make a living in rural communities fall under this occupation. You work close to the earth and practice one of the oldest and most important professions. Are you the stereotypical simple farmer, or are you cultured, but enjoy working the land? What do you grow or raise? Do you do well, or are you struggling?
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling and Survival
Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument and Vehicles (Land)
Equipment: A small knife, a musical instrument, a set of comfortable clothes, and $500.
Feature: Hospitality
You are easily identified as country folk and others of that ilk will take a liking to you and help you when you are in need as long as it doesn’t affect them too much.

A high school, college, or graduate student. Your main activity is learning. This might be in preparation for your future career, or it might be for the love of knowledge. What are studying? Why are you studying it? Are you on scholarship, are you taking out loans, or are you working as well? Do you socialize with other students or stay focused on your studies?
Skill Proficiencies: Current Events and one of either Humanities or Science.
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan’s tools, musical instrument, or gaming set
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of comfortable clothes, a book, a pen and pad, $250.
Feature: Find your Tribe
You’ve got some larger group - a sorority, professional society, anime club - that will help you in times of need and give you what information they can.

Scientists and engineers of all types are technicians. A technician focuses on the application of science to invent, study, experiment, and create useful tools. They are focused on technology either through hardware or software. You have immense technical skills, more than just how to fix, but also how to create. What kind of technician are you; do you work with robotics, on bridges, or with some form of a telescope? Do you enjoy your work? Are you at the forefront of your research or do you work below someone else who receives the glory? What are you hoping to create?
Skill Proficiencies: Science and Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: Chemist’s Tools and Computing Kit
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, pen and pad, and $750.
Feature: Mechanical Acumen
You can attempt to fix and create small devices with the materials you have. The DM is ultimate decider of what you can create or fix quickly and the difficulty of doing so, but where others would need hours, you need minutes to jury rig something mechanical.

White Collar
Desk jockeys, lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, bank personnel, financial advisors, tax preparers, clerks, sales personnel, real estate agents, and a variety of mid-level managers fall within this occupation. A white collar worker is usually considered average, but some have loftier jobs like CEO or Partner at a law firm. They are usually good with business in some respect. What kind of job do you have; are you a clerk or a manager? Do you enjoy your job, or is it a means to an end? Do you like your coworkers, or are they the bane of your existence?
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Insight
Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, business cards, a pen, and $750.
Feature: Networking
You have skill using your contacts and affiliations to move forward in the world. After spending some time in a location, you can use professional contacts to get certain favors such as finding a new job, clients, or even discounts. If you have notice you can arrange for favors in other cities as well through your contacts.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

BiFrost: The Daredevil Effect & The Tailor

1) Sorry this is late

2) Like most people with Netflix, I have just finished watching Daredevil. I love it. I really enjoyed the gritty feeling, and the various skills everyone brought to the team. I actually liked that the plot of the "mundanes" and that of Daredevil ran side-by-side, especially getting to see all the villain stuff as well. Kingpin was a bit of a wildcard, but it was all very solid.

Something that the show did well is making the inclusion of the ninja's, the "fire-vision," the Stick, and the mystical Madam Gao, feel seamless. Even their offhand mentions of the events of the Avengers film fit in really well. Overall I think it was a good show, go watch it.

My real point is that it got me thinking about how surely some of the delvers in this setting would try to be vigilantes. I'm going to guess, to little success if they try and go the superman route of being out and proud.A good chunk of the police and villains can and likely will be delvers as well, so their acceptance of those outside the law will likely be little. However, it's nice to imagine a few vigilantes who are able to either successfully work from the shadows or are a dirty little secret of the local police.

So the real point of this post is to be a post-it note. There will be delvers who try to better the world from behind the scenes, and would likely take up superheroesque personalities. The Black Witch of San Diego, the St. Louis Hero, the Badger of Ann Arbor, etc.

3) I've been thinking and rethinking how characters will choose a class. And I keep thinking back to something like the Sorting Hat, but I want there to be a little more choice. I kept trying to do something where the characters choose from symbolic locations and items. However, everyone interprets things very different ways, and I hate the idea that someone would get the wrong thing just because they think differently from me.

My solution is an entity, similar to the sorting hat, who I'm calling the Tailor. He helps people find a set of powers that fits them best, he looks at their natural talent (ability scores) and makes suggestions and explains what's going on. He'll likely offer them symbolic items and energies and do a little explaining, but he'll still be enigmatic and mysterious.

The more I talk about this idea, the better I like it.

Monday, April 20, 2015

BiFrost Homebrew: Modern Backgrounds Pt. 4

Round 4 of these new backgrounds! I feel a little ridiculous just copying and pasting these from the file where I worked on them. So to make it a little more interesting I'll come up with a little character for each one, starting now!

Law Enforcement
Uniformed police, state troopers, federal police, federal agents, SWAT team members, and military police or all law enforcement. Law enforcement focuses on upholding the laws and statutes of land and keeping the peace. They are given a lot of power over others and can be deemed heroes or reviled. Do you strive to be a good idealistic cop or are you jaded? Have you abused your power before, or seen others abuse theirs? Have you been hurt in the field or lost a partner? How do you view criminals?
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation and Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land) and one gaming set
Equipment: A uniform, a set of comfortable clothes, a badge, a club, and $500.
Feature: Political Pull
You know a long line of other officers and justice officials. You can ask for favors getting people out of jail, having their sentences shortened, having people harassed by the police or having the case go against them.

     Sgt. Daniels, an MP at Fort Hood didn't mean to become a delver, not exactly. During her basic training, they were taken out to a field and told to make their way back to camp using only the tools they had. She wasn't well liked among the other recruits and they soon "lost" her while she was making use of a bush. Never one to give up, Ashlin followed their tracks, or at least attempted to. Her efforts led her to a stream where any chance she had to track them fell away. She camped at the stream bed that night, and in the distance she saw a light. Though she knew she was far from camp, she marched towards the light and discovered a harsh column splitting open a boulder, a bifrost. Fascinated she touched it and fought the horrors within.
     Sgt. Daniels made it out of the dungeon, out of the bifrost, and out of the woods. When she returned hours before the others, it became clear the Sgt. Daniels was extraordinary. And Ashlin felt extraordinary. Since leaving the bifrost she has had a closeness with nature that has guided her on patrol and aided her in protecting Fort Hood and its community. Her senses are extra keen and her bruises and scrapes heal quickly. She is quicker than others at the MMA gym and part of her wonders if she could go professional. Ashlin hasn't told anyone about that day, but she wonders if others are starting to suspect. 

Medical Technician
A physician, a surgeon, a psychiatrist, or a nurse. You earn your money helping people in the medical field and your knowledge is always sorely in need. A doctor focuses on healing the sick and often works long hours to prepare for their entrance into this field. What field of medicine do you specialize in? Do you work at a hospital, for a small practice, or for a clinic? Have you lost an important patient?
Skill Proficiencies: Insight and Medicine
Tool Proficiencies: Chemist’s Tools
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A lab coat and a set of professional clothes, first aid kit, and $1000.
Feature: Red Cross
People recognize your skill and like to keep you around especially in places where they are sorely needed. They will give you room and board in exchange for medical help. Those you help without charge will feel indebted to you. In times of emergency others will defer to your leadership if it is medically related.

     David Kim meant to find a bifrost. He had heard of what they could do on the news, seen the footage of the terrorists and the saviors, the boxers and the magicians. Everyone who came out of those things seemed to be a star, and David wanted some of that. He didn't want to be a nurse, no matte how noble the profession, anymore. Or at least, not just a nurse. 
     He found a group through Delvr that was willing to take him on his first run, if he took less of a portion of the loot. David agreed, knowing it would be safer to get his powers with an experienced group than bumbling in and becoming a statistic. When the say came, he arrived at the abandoned warehouse with butterflies creating a whirlwind in his stomach. The others arrived late and greeted each other with friendly grasps but completely ignoring him. When it came time to enter the building, he saw one of them place a hand to the door before a loud knock echoed through the afternoon and the door swung open.
     Every nerve in his body told David to run, but when they finally called for him by name, the weight of his social responsibility dragged him forward. They pushed him in, shoved him at least, reminding him to keep his head low. He came out on the other side with a heavy mace, scale armor, and a strong urge to seek light. The others never made it through the pack of fire-breathing wolves and he orcs who bred them, but David burned them alive before healing his own wounds and rushing towards the abandoned warehouse. 
     David is a professional delver now, though at times he has to supplement it with odd-jobs he can accomplish around town. He also volunteers his healing services at a clinic, both his spells and his expertise. Every now and then his old boss begs him to return, but David only laughs and tells him he'll see her next week. 

All branches of the armed forces including elite training units. You earn your income by working directly for the armed forces of your country and serving wherever your country needs you. Do you enjoy working in the military, do you agree with all its decisions? Have you been in a war? Have you been deployed anywhere exotic? What is your rank? What branch do you work for?
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (any one) and one gaming set
Equipment: A uniform, a small knife, and $500.
Feature: Rank
You have a rank in the military which is recognized by other soldiers. They will give you help when you are needy and defer to your judgement if you are above them. You can expect legal help from the military if you are in trouble, and if you die they will pay for a funeral.

     There are many delvers among those in the military. Like the military it is dangerous and it is lucrative. Private Fist Class Mark Holiday joined the marines for all these reasons, and so when some buddies said they were going out to get superpowers from one of those portals nearby, he went with them. Who didn't want superpowers? Of course, most people who entered them never came out alive, but he had already been on a tour in Afghanistan. If that didn't kill him, what could?
     In the dungeon, Mark and his friends plowed through a horde of angered wild beasts before reaching the lair of a witch who tried to harvest their hearts for dark rituals. They defended themselves, Mark himself landing the final blow with a well placed streak of energy,
     Upon discovery of their actions, the group was reprimanded before being offered positions in a new force the marines were creating to combat other powered individuals with aspirations to bring down the United Stats of America.
     Seven months later Mark was dishonorably discharged and now sulks in his parents house, drinking beers and refusing to work. He doesn't consider delving, sure it is beneath him, but as his funds and parent's patience dwindle it looks more and more appealing. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lisa and the Light Pt. 12

An old woman with grey skin, sickly, almost deathly almost decayed almost dead, skin, replaced the party and with it went the warmth, the revelry, the revelers, the wine, the food, the couches, the harps, the sheets, the fun, the joy. In its place was snow and an old gray woman, her face shrouded like the revelers.

The woman reached out a hand to help Lisa up, and she hesitated. So much couldn't be trusted, the monsters earlier had rampaged, but then fled; the kind woman who gave her boots and brad had lost a child; and this party was not a party, but a woman. Lisa had almost convinced herself this was not a dream, the pain in her side, the exhaustion, the tears on her face when she admitted the unadmittable - it must all be real, but all together it couldn't be.

The woman reached out a hand to help Lisa up, and she hesitated before grasping it and anchoring herself to its surprising weight, the rest of her gliding up with it until she was standing up, her eyes meeting to ghostly shadows behind the woman's veil.

"Where did everyone go?" Lisa asked, her voice hoarse.
"They retreated from your admission," the woman replied, "you scared them off."
"I don't know if I wanted them to go away," said Lisa, "I was enjoying myself."

The woman's voice seemed to belie a smile as she replied, "That wasn't your choice to make. Where are you going my child."

"I don't know," Lisa replied, "I'm not even sure how I got here, I'm not even sure if this is real. I probably just need to wake up."
"Then wake up," said the woman, "what's stopping you?"
"Well I can't just wake myself up, that's not how it works," said Lisa, "and I'm not even sure that's how it works."

The woman sat down a stump, and began to pick her nails, obviously bored with the situation, "Then how does it work? You seem to know a lot about it for a person who doesn't know where they're going."

"I don't know, I guess. Fall, maybe, I've seen that before in movies, and I mean you hear about it too, people always wake up when their falling."
"Then fall," said the woman, "but maybe, fall towards something."
"Did you cause the party to appear, did you like summon them or some other weird magical dream thing? I wouldn't need to fall if I could just feel like they made me feel again."
"It was me and I am them," she said, "and you changed us o this when you scared me off with your unfortunate truths."
"Well you don't have to get bitchy, its not my fault you get weirded out by what people say," said Lisa before thinking, though the woman didn't seem offended.

The silence settled between them, and though the old woman only continued to pick at her grey skin, Lisa became quickly unnerved. She had to do something, she couldn't wait for something to happen, she had to walk, or jump, or fall or fight there had to be another part of this dream before she woke up.

"There is," said the woman, "you have to head towards the castle and find that woman's child and bring it back to her. Of course its being guarded by monsters and an evil sorcerer, but you can handle that, or maybe you can't."

"How do you know I have to do any of that, how did you know"
"What you were thinking? So predictable, so understandable, and so easy to see. I'm surprised you didn't see it for yourself young mother. You are on an adventure."
"And if I don't want to be you old bean bag?"
"Then you'll die here, from exposure, and hunger, or something else I guess. Perhaps the wolves will get you."
"I don't want that,"
"You don't get a say. You get to fall."

And Lisa thought for a second, but then couldn't think anymore.
"So what direction do I fall? Where the hell is this castle?"
And the old woman showed her the way.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

BiFrost: Modern Classes

Alright I've got a timeline and some organizations that I'm generally a fan of. This week WoTC had a cool article on Modern armor to go with the modern weapons rules in the DMG. It was pretty cool and reminded me about the Urban Arcana ModernD20 materials. I realize what I'm doing is fairly similar, except I'm more forcing D&D onto the world then having it integrate with folklore and such. I realize this had made my job really difficult because I'm trying to change the whole world instead of have it exist in a shadow world alongside it. Dresden files does a similar thing, creating its own courts and powers alongside the natural world and having most people be oblivious, rather than having everyone try to learn magic and protect themselves from vampires, necromancers, etc.

I think that is a good thing. It is setting up this setting in its own unique way; however it really isn't leaving enough room for adventure. I'm still not sure how much traditional adventure I want and I'm still looking at the Madadam series (pre-flood) to get a feel on using magic or tech heavy worlds for small stories. I feel like I also need to reread Transmetropolitan and Rat Queens, because that's honestly what I want it to be between.

Speaking of which, I had a bit of a mini-insight over the other night. I've been using the class names from the PHB the whole time, but if people just come out with these powers, without any labeling, there is no reason to call them these things. In fact, now, I'm thinking that the names for the sets of powers come from the people, and most likely the NDL (National Delver's League) to describe who is on their teams, etc.

I have planned on assuming everyone starts at Level 3, a pretty moderate power level for 5th, especially since I really want those who come out of the bifrosts to have a good chunk of new power on their hands.  So looking at what each class would have by level 3, I started coming up with some alternative names:

Barbarians get increased durability without armor and the ability to hit really hard. Basically they get really minor super strength and partial invulnerability. The rage likely turns on when they are stressed in combat and doesn't have any real mental negatives besides no spells, so I'm not worried about insane berserkers. Thus I'll call them Juggernauts.

Bards get some really cool spells at 3rd level, things like invisibility, suggestion, cure wounds, hold person. By then they also have some good inspiration abilities (that will probably work like a spell, like warmth or courage or some such feeling) and several skills with expertise. Given all this, they work well as a helper and a trickster. I think I'm going to stick with Performer for now.

Clerics differentiate pretty quickly with their domains. Some have great spells for support, others for blasting, and some for getting up in your face. Since the clerics take so many different forms, I'll call them Incarnates (which has nothing to do with how much I love the Incarnum system of 3.5...nothing at all).

Druids at level 3 are all about shape shifting and casting some kick ass elemental and nature-controlling spells. Druid is actually a pretty good name, as I'm pretty sure any nerds would immediately call them that (thanks to the visibility of WoW), but I'm going to assume the news and the NDL call them Naturalists. Which probably makes actually naturalists a little miffed.

Fighters are a little rough to give another name too. At level 3 they have some limited self-healing, fighting styles, extra actions, and either some magic, or some cool fighting skills. Considering their durability and flexibility I think we'd just call them Heroes. It's definitely classic and fighters totally have that traditional heroic feel.

Monks are by far the most useful non-spell casters because they don't need weapons to be good. All other non spellcaster will have to deal with subpar or improvised weapons in a public setting, but the monk can just walk around ready to fight, fall of buildings, jump great heights and maybe cast some sick spells. For this reason they'll just be known as Brawlers.

Paladins get some neat fighting and buffing spells, as well as smites, lay on hands, and a divine sense. Without context a paladin is a guy running around with a weapon charged with energy who heals people and chops others heads off. For know we're going to go with Knight,

Rangers are actually getting a bit of utility change from me pretty soon to improve the Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer traits. Until then they'd still be the masters of fighting with nature on their side. Ranger isn't that obscure of a word, but I imagine it'd be easier to just call them Hunters.

Rogues are going to be good at moving really fast, hiding, and getting out of dodge. They are the ultimate guerrilla fighters and have the skills and sneak attack to make it work. depending on their archetype they might have some sneaky spells to back it up, some assassination bonuses, or some acrobatic and dexterous skills. Because they stick to the shadows and work best when taking advantage, we'll call them Prowlers.

Sorcerers are getting a bunch of cool wizardy spells, but minus a lot of the utility. In exchange they et a lot more flexibility with their font of magic and metamagic. Considering the powerful spells and their opportunity to overpower them, as well as their origins manifestations looking pretty awesome, I'm going to call them Dynamos.

Warlocks are going to be called Witches. I think that is pretty easy, witch is a much more common term than warlock and warlock also has a bit of the picture of only the pactblade, where as tome and familiar fits witch better. Just call the pactblades something cool like a witchknight.

Wizards are going to be Mages. Despite Harry Potter, it is still a much more common term, plus I like the idea of using my own vocabulary for this world, it helps to set it apart in my mind from literal D&D. Besides I think it fits no matter what school they end up with, it also sets them up as a generic caster.

Brawler     Hunter         Knight       Performer
Dynamo    Incarnate     Mage         Prowler
Hero          Juggernaut  Naturalist  Witch

We'll see if this makes a difference, but in my head it does.

Monday, April 13, 2015

BiFrost Homebrew: Modern Backgrounds Pt. 3

Some more modern backgrounds; I really like the idea of an emergency services character like a firefighter who uses their skills to earn some money on the side as a delver. Entreprenuer also makes a good lick of sense in BiFrost where there is a lot of money to be made exploitng the bifrosts and delvers. 

Emergency Services
Rescue workers, firefighters, paramedics, hazardous material handlers, and emergency medical technicians are all considered emergency services. Emergency service workers often enjoy the thrill of the risk and the joy of helping people. What field do you work in? Are you volunteer or career? Are you close to those you work with? Have you been in danger before while in these hazardous areas?
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Medicine
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land) and one gaming set
Equipment: A set of comfortable clothes, a uniform, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and $500.
Feature: Quick Assessment
You can quickly assess a dangerous situation or injury to figure out the difficulty of solving the issue. For example, you can see the Wisdom (Medicine) difficulty to set a broken bone, or the Strength (Athletics) difficulty to jump across burning debris.

Actors, newscasters, radio and television personalities, and musicians and anyone who earns their living performing are entertainers. Entertainers usually enjoy being in front of crowds and voicing their opinions or getting others to laugh. Are you extroverted, or is what's on a camera just a persona? Are you famous locally, nationally, or not at-all, doing only small-time jobs?
Skill Proficiencies: Performance and either Acrobatics or Humanities
Tool Proficiencies: One musical instrument and either a disguise kit or another instrument
Equipment: A musical instrument, a set of comfortable clothes, a pencil and pad of paper, $500.
Feature: Book a Gig
Wherever you find yourself you can find a place to perform that will provide at the very least room and board for as long as you perform and maintain good will in the town. The more famous you are the more help you can receive, but also the harder it is to unnoticed.

People who want to be their own boss; they believe in themselves, have an abundance of confidence, and the ability to acquire the funds necessary to bankroll their newest money-making venture. These small to large business owners have a knack for putting together business plans, gathering resources, and getting a new venture off the ground. Have you been successful as an entrepreneur? What kind of businesses or ideas do you work with: technology, media, household products, etc.? Have you ever lost big?
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Current Events
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan’s tools and one gaming set
Equipment: A set of professional clothes and $1000.
Feature: Spirited
You are filled to the brim with ideas and you like to share them with others for profit. Others can sense this in you and will grant you an audience when you come to them with a fresh business venture.

Investigative reporters, photojournalists, private investigators, police detectives, criminologists, criminal profilers, espionage agents, and others who use their skills to gather evidence and analyze clues are all in an investigative occupation. These workers rely on their perception and insight to notice clues, catch people in lies, and ferret out the truth. Do you investigate in the private or public sector? How high do you rank? Have you had to cover up the truth, and are you ashamed of it?
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Insight
Tool Proficiencies: One of either disguise kit, forgery kit, or computing kit.
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, a pen and pad, a digital camera, and $500.
Feature: Gather Information
After spending a few hours in a town, bar, or other social area you are able to figure out who the big players are, the feel of the town, and any other basic information without having to talk to anyone.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lisa and the Light pt. 11

Men and women frolicked and drank, they swayed and danced to a tune delicately finding its way from a harp to the ears and feet of all those in the clearing. All cups were full and sloshing, a deep violet wine that stained the grass and the white cloth which shrouded the figures faces but left their gleaming torsos bare.

But Lisa wasn't sure they were men and women, not exactly, their tanned skin gleamed in a way she found unnerving and alluring, and the shape and flexibility of their limbs and torsos was ever so slightly off, like a funhouse mirror, the reflection warping them. And how had she not heard the music, she had approached slowly and while the tinkling of the harp was soft, it was intoxicating; and where was the snow.

One of the revelers noticed her and pulled her over, into a dance, grabbing her by the hand and leading her through steps. Lisa found herself following nervously and the laughing as she lost herself to the movement. Her legs gave out from underneath her, with joy and happiness. A crashing laughter that left her breathless, when had she last laughed this hard, closed her eyes and sent out slow crawling tears.

A woman was with her then, a braid of gray hair and a hint of breast the only indication of her person, the cloth over her face was sheer, and yet the features of the visitor were vague. The woman cradled Lisa's head in her lap and stroked her hair as the laugh died into giggles and resurrected themselves as a contended smiling silence. She wondered when she last had been held like this, her mother had always been so cold.

"You seem so happy to be here," said the woman, her accent thick and unrecognizable, but welcoming and soft, "you were lost."

It wasn't a question, and yet Lisa nodded her head and then turned to hide her eyes in the woman's skirt. Why had she ever come here in the first place, she couldn't remember, and yet she was so happy she had come. Parties usually meant getting felt up, getting into fights, and running before the cops dragged you away. But this was perfect, this was calming and fun, and look how calm she was and how sweet this old woman.

"You don't have to ever return, you can stay here with us, and revel and rest," and Lisa considered the offer and found it perfect.
"What do I have to do?" Lisa asked.
The woman gestured and a silver cup of violet wine appeared in her hand, she propped Lisa up on her knee and put the cup to her lips, the sweet smell almost masking the scent of strong alcohol.

"I can't drink this," admitted Lisa, indignation rising in her voice, memories coming back to her again of running away from her mother, of the argument and the slamming doors, and the life growing inside her.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

BiFrost: A Working History

I want this story to start in 2003. I'm not 100% sure why, maybe ebcause nothing momentous happened in 2003, at least not that I can remember. Looking back to 2203 thats when we had a lot of protests against the Iraq war, SARS, the Collumbia crash, deer and horses getting cloned, iTunes is released as is the Living with Michael Jackson documentary, X-Men 2, Return of the King, Bruce Almighty, and Finding Nemo are all released. and our popular artists are Beyonce, Evanesence, Limp Bizkit, Shania Twain, 50 cent, and Eminem. Fashion trends seem to be focused on baggy shorts with midrif tops, apparently also ugg boots. The human genome project was also completed this year.

Lots of things actually happened that year that could be used by bifrologists to conjecture about why the portals appeared that year. I have my own personal reasons the portals appeared, but I also have several of them. I want to take a page out of Keith Baker's book about the events of the Mourning in Eberron, and say there is no one reason. It's more fun if people can make up their own reasons, especially if they want that kind of intrigue to be a central plot of their campaign.

14 April 2003: The Human Genome Project is completed
                 Portals to self-contained universes appear throughout the world
May 2003: A woman from Norway who returns from the portals with a flying carpet dominates the
                  news; she coins the term bifrost to describe the portals
December 2003: The Pope announces his official condemnation of those who return from the bifrost, likening them to demons.

2004: Bombing in Spain linked to delvers; panic about the use of powers.
          The Guild for the Advancment and Protection of Devlers (GAPD) is founded in New York, and quickly opens its doors is in major metropolitan areas around the world.

2005: Thousands go missing as a cult in Vietnam walks into a bifrost and never returns.
          The story of underground fights between those with powers is brought to light.
          An attempt in Nigeria to close a portal with explosives results in the mysterious destruction of an entire town.

2006: A young boy with a rare bone disease is given gauntlets that make him as strong as professional weightlifter allowing him to walk for the first time.
          Dungeoneering Inc. and Haversack's Goods being trading publicly.

2007: The Sudan attacks Chad with a large force of delvers who almost completely overrun the country before the UN steps in.
          The first openly powered senator is elected to office.

2008: Allegations arise of politicians abusing powers and powered individuals during the US elections. The Democrats for the Proliferation of Powers (DPP) denies any direct contact with the candidates as do the Republicans for the Expansion of Wealth (REW).
           The National Delvers League start airing competitions between delvers to great commercial success.

2009: Many states attempt to pass legislation limiting delvers access to public office, some pass but are difficult to enforce.
          The application and social website Delvr is created and provides unprecedented access to opportunities to safely enter a bifrost with an experienced party.

2010: The Institue for Dimensional Study releases a revealing and comprehensive study of the number of people who have gone missing into the bifrosts, who have returned with powers, the proliferation of magic items, and the effects of the influx of precious metals and minerals on the economy.

2011: Haversack's Goods develops power detectors and beings selling them to governments and the public. Within months there are stories of delvers who are stripped of their rights upon discovery.

2012: Thousands of members of the group unironically calling themselves Witch Hunters march on the capitol in Washington D.C. demanding legislation be enacted to protect normal people from those with powers.

2013: Congress passes legislation requiring those with powers to be registered and carry and ID card. The same bill outlaws the use of powers in government buildings and makes it a felony to use powers against another person.
           The DPP and REW give tacit support despite the outcry from the GAPD.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Latest Friday Fiction: Lisa and the Light Pt. 10

The arrows stopped.

It was an odd realization, but there it was: the arrows stopped. These were no gun-wielding thugs, this wasn't a drive-by. This was a battle to the death or retreat, and Lisa had won. The hammer hung lazily from her hand and its glow faded. Snowflakes had made their way through the canopy falling lightly on its metal head. 

Lisa pressed onward through the forest, with her sense ever so slightly more attuned, more aware for another ambush of knife-toothed monsters, of arrows and cleavers and near death and destruction. Had she enjoyed the rush of battle, she dare not ask  herself, not really. Like the danger she had met before in her neighborhood, the danger that came from living in poverty and sin, she was filled with a mix of anxiety and excitement and like before it did not fade. Lisa knew from experience the process of coming down from the natural high could take hours, and in the meantime she was happy for its urges. Keep going, keep looking, fix the problem, don't think about how one arrow missed you only by a few inches, don't think about the stains on the weapon, they must have been blood. Keep going, you have to be safe, keep going, the arrows have stopped. 

The forest path opened into a learning and her boots found no snow there to protect her swollen and abused feet from. In the middle of the clearing was not more enemies, more monsters, more sharp-toothed demons as her heart was sure there would be as soon as the light from above no longer hit the canopy and made clear what was in the clearing. Clear and distinct in front of her was somethign she knew well: a party. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

BiFrost Homebrew: Modern Backgrounds Pt. 2

The next round of backgrounds! This time we have some modernized repeats from the PHB, but also some new ones. I'm particularly happy with the Creative and Dilettante who fill very modern niches.
The Creative isn't quite the guild artisan, which is important considering guilds aren't what they used to be. Instead the creative is a passionate artist in their purist form.
The Dilettante, on the other hand, is broader, more vague, and yet fills a role similar to a noble in their feature, which offers a mass of social clout and puts it at their disposal. Playing these four backgrounds would certainly, easily, differ in feel, and that's what I really wanted.
I especially like to imagine a party of those with different backgrounds: a creative and his criminal drug dealer; a charlatan and the dilettante he is trying to dupe, etc.

Conmen, hustlers, spies, and anyone else who makes their living tricking others are charlatans. Charlatans usually enjoy their scams and swindling, working pool tables, gambling, selling false insurance door to door, and other such plots. Are you a big-time conman or do you work small grifts? Do you work alone or with a group of other charlatans? Have you been caught before and are on the run? Whats the most common con you run?
Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit and forgery kit
Equipment: A set of professional clothes, a disguise kit, tools to run your con, $750.
Feature: False Identity
You have a false identity, including a complete set of clothes, driver’s license, passport, credit cards, everything you need to pass as this other persona including a different background, maybe even “friends” to back up your story.

Artists of all types who fan their creative spark into a career: illustrators, copywriters, cartoonists, graphic artists, novelists, magazine columnists, sculptors, game designers, screenwriters, photographers, and web designers all fall under this occupation. Creatives of all types use their artistic skills to make a living, even if the living isn’t much. Are you famous in your field or just starting? What kind of work do you do, commercial or more artistic? Do you freelance or work with a creative company?
Skill Proficiencies: Humanities and either Persuasion or Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisans tools
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: A set of comfortable clothes, a set of artisan's tools, and $500.
Feature: Bohemian Solidarity
You can get help from other creative types to find free lodging (couch surfing) and employment in a new town. They will also help you in small ways especially if you are in similar fields.

Anyone who earns money from being on the wrong side of the law is a criminal. This occupation includes burglars, drug dealers, thieves, crime family soldiers, gang members, bank robbers, and other career criminals. Criminals aren’t deterred by the prospect of jail and often display their power easily. Are you an obvious criminal related to a gang, or a are you a power broker in the shadows, laying low? Do you work as a criminal willingly or were you pressured into it? Do you have a record, is there a warrant out for you currently?
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation and either Stealth or Deception
Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set and thieves’ tools
Equipment: A crowbar, a set of comfortable clothes, thieves’ tools, and $750
Feature: Criminal Contact
You have a contact that can relay messages for you to and from the criminal underworld and will give you the heads up on any important news.

Those who are wealthy from family holding and trust funds. They typically have no job, few responsibilities, and at least one driving passion that occupies his or her day. That might be a charity, an ideal, or a lust for life. Did you earn your money through one great idea or did you inherit it? What do you do with your time, are you a playboy or a philanthropist or do you stay out of the public eye all together, focusing on your own projects?
Skill Proficiencies: Current Events and Intimidate
Languages: Two languages of your choice
Equipment: A set of expensive clothes, an expensive trinket, and $1250
Feature: Privileged
You’ve known wealth for a while and it shows. Those who recognize your name will help you hoping for a reward or simply due to deference. Those of the same social class will be sympathetic to your cause and offer assistance to you, assuming you aren't on their bad side.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

BiFrost: Seeing What I've Got

A quick breakdown for my own memory:

Institute for Dimensional Study - Scholars and scientists studying the bifrosts
Templars - Religious group that hates the bifrosts and all they stand for
Thaumaturges - Religious group that sees bifrosts as holy
Dungeoneering Inc. - Company that focuses on providing goods to delvers; focuses on tools
Haversack's Goods - Rival company to Dungeoneering Inc.; focuses more on goods
Various Boutiques - Small local companies serving the community and specific classes
Republicans for the Exapnsion of Wealth (REW) - Republic lobbyists for economic protections on wealth retrieved from
Democrats for the Profliferation of Powers (DPP) - Democratic lobbyists for protection of delvers with, especially magic, powers
Guild for the Advancement and Protection of Delvers (GAPD) - Lobby for both sides of the aisle in defense of protections for delvers, as well as a provider of insurance, banking, etc. 

Wow, that is a lot of powers at play. In fact, I think it might be just enough powers in play to finally start planning some interaction and some history. This is admittedly the scary part, because its where people might step in and say "I don't think that's what people would do." They're probably right, I've only studied history in high school, and tangentially in college since literature and history go hand in hand. My expertise is limited, but I love history, and I like thinking about people. Honestly, if I'm wrong, I wouldn't be above admitting and changing it...or at least I hope I'm not above that. Admittedly, no one is commenting yet anyways, at least not on the blog, but I know some of you read this when it comes out. I see you and I appreciate you. 

I'm procrastinating actually having to put this all together. I think I should use the city building tool from the Dresden Files RPG and just expand it to a world. That actually sounds like a damn good idea, I'm always impressed by people who have a firm grasp of the creative process like the folks at Evil Hat. And I'm procrastinating again. 

If/when I do that, I'll make sure to upload a picture. 

In the meantime, I guess it's time to take the world and the powers and start coming up with some...well basically situations. This world was created to build small stories, to take the average person and allow them to grab some power and see what comes of it. 

Speaking of which I have one more power group to add: 
Various Criminal Organizations - From preexisting groups the Bloods, Crypts, Biker Gangs, to new ones that would pop up, the Golden Boys (sounds like a 50's group), the Arcane Brotherhood, Mafia of various countries. Yakuza? Maybe! The Margret Atwood in me says to combine these into something called like Arcanogangs or something, or Crimigicians, but I'll avoid it for now.

Next week I'll start brainstorming adventures and focusing in on specific cities around the country and around the world!